8 Instagram Marketing Tips for Businesses image
8 Instagram Marketing Tips for Businesses
Written By:  Admin
Date:  February 03, 2020
Blog >  Digital Marketing

Are you interested in promoting your business on Instagram, a millennial marketing trove? But you don’t know where to get started. Don’t fret, we have got you covered. Before making a purchase many millennials take to social media for reviews and more than any other social media platform. Instagram is leading in this world of the millennial market. When it comes to brands interacting with their followers, the photo and video-sharing social networking service is literally killing it.

Following are Instagram marketing tips that can help you connect the coveted millennial demographic

1. Use relevant hashtags:


To market your business on Instagram, you must understand the power of hashtags. Right hashtags help your posts reach a target audience, attract niche followers and increase customer engagement. However, using random hashtags is a waste of your marketing time. Make use relevant and trendy hashtags. When you use popular hashtags, your content will appear in seconds. Activity on your post will keep it relevant.

2. Engage audience:


The best way to grow brand awareness is to encourage consumer interaction. Ask your audience to give captions to your photos, ask them to tag a friend on a meme or ask them to share a selfie which is relevant to your brand. Also, don’t be hesitant in sharing photos of people using your products.

3. Know when to post:


Make use of powerful analytics to know which is the best time of the day to get audience engagement. Knowing when to post can boost engagement and drive traffic. Promoting Instagram contests at the appropriate time of the day may drive the ideal customer to your website, leading to sales conversions.

4. Call-to-action:


It’s very important that when you post on Instagram you categorically tell your audience what you want them to do —whether you want them to download your app, visit your website or buy, be clear. Use active language like ‘buy now,’ ‘click on,’ or ‘subscribe to’ to persuade your audience to take action.

5. Use Instagram Stories:


Instagram Stories is a great vehicle to promote your business. With Instagram Stories, people watch content longer than they intend to. Instagram Stories are great for making announcements, collaborations, polls and links among many other things.

6. Use great visuals:


When it comes to Instagram, let the image do the talking. Great visuals increase your engagement and conversion rate. If you want to give captions keep them short and punchy.

7. Work with influencers


Influencer marketing is your golden ticket to reach out to a large pool of potential customers. Team up with influences who share your interests or are relevant to your brand. Share their posts. Instead of reaching out to influencers who have a huge following, focus on the ones who are closely related to your line of business. Make sure their followers share your interests.

8. Social listening:


Social listening or social media monitoring is a great way to find out what people are saying about your brand or your industry on Instagram. Keeping abreast with this can help you change your marketing strategies as and when trends are changing. Awario Agorapulse, TweetDeck and Brandwatch are social listening tools that can give you business insights.

There are also several Instagram analytics free tools like Instagram Insights that can help you with basic statistics about your posts, profile views, and conversions. There are many tools that will also help you benchmark performance against competitors.

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